Projects - Languages and tehnologies used: Java, SQL, Hibernate, Abstract Window Toolkit, CSS, Javascript
How to open the projects
1. download and unzip the files
2. open with IntelIJ, Trust Project is given
3. run the following:
A. to the first application - the InternetPackageForm class
B. to the second application - the Main class
C. for the third application - first run MySQL from XAMPP, then run HibernateConsole
D. for the last application - first from XAMPP run MySQL, then run ShopApplication, open https://localhost:8090/, open the connection to the database like this:
- My SQL Workbench -> MySQL Connections -> circled + button - Setup New Connection:
- Connection Name: andrei
- Connection Method: Standard (TCP/IP)
- Hostname:, Port: 3306
- Username: root
- databases used: testa, webshop
Enter the user and password from the users table in the webshop database, then the page with buttons to pages buyers, products, sales or default appears.